DelhiCall's tele-professionals help you turn your prospects into customers, and then your customers into advocates. We focus on building a relationship that lasts by using a personalized approach that provides the value addition necessary to maintain and grow your client base. We are capable of Up-Selling & Cross-Selling, Sales Lead Generation, Market Research & Surveys, Database Cleaning and Updating, Internet Response follow-up, Collection of Past Dues, Third Party Verification, Record Verification, Fraud Detection /Prevention Calls, Damage Control and Disaster Recovery Services, Welcome / Thank-you Calls, Other Client Initiated Information, Continuity Sales Calls, Affinity Programs, Partnership Programs, Loyalty Programs and any kind of Message Delivery.
Company Profile Information
Delhi Call CentersTelephone: (800)-205-6731 Website: www.delhicall.com Contact: info@delhicall.com
Company Profile Information
Delhi Call CentersTelephone: (800)-205-6731 Website: www.delhicall.com Contact: info@delhicall.com
Additional Company Information : At DelhiCall, quality is a vital independent function. Our quality editors ensure that responses are framed in a structured form and are accurate and complete in all respects. They also facilitate quality delivery through random checks and ongoing assistance to our customer care specialists. Our quality team runs periodic quality programs and we have implemented quality circles, which focus on building process efficiencies and improving overall quality and productivity of the delivery team through ongoing process redesign. We try to anticipate the customer's next question and attempt to make the first response as comprehensive as possible to ensure one contact resolution. Our customer care specialists are measured in terms of the number of repeat messages they need to process for the same customer and for related queries.