McCoy Communications McCoy Communications As part of Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) initiative, McCoy Communications has established an International Call Center to provide reliable and cost-effective outbound outsourcing solutions for a variety of industries for customers in USA and UK . Flat # 05, 3rd Floor, 24-Rohail Arcade, Commercial Zone, Moon Market, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, 54570 Pakistan.Attn: ph: US: 707-709-8895Pak: +92-042-7494129 Cell:+92-321-9494062... Flat # 05, 3rd Floor, 24-Rohail ArcadeLahore 54570PakistanAttn: Syed Kalb-e-Haiderph: 092-42-7494129fax: 092-42-7847712cell: 0321-9494062