Mission Statement:The Business must be marketing oriented, financially driven and always HR centered.NexSource Introduction: NexSource International provides Call Center and BPO businesses in Pakistan with consulting services in all areas, from inception to full operation. Our areas of consulting expertise include planning, structure and corporate development, design of products to meet the requirements of the U.S marketplace, technology, staffing, training, operation and overseeing the financial health of Call Center businesses.Plan of Action:NexSource International has a very aggressive development plan in Pakistan and is actively engaged in developing relationship with Pakistani Call Center industry. NexSource has its Front office in Houston, USA and has developed its Hubs in Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore with a DRS in Dubai making NexSource International a very strong and “Crash Proof Network”.Headed by the two Marketing experts of USA, namely Mr. Gerald R. Shockley and Mr.David M. Boatner; NexSource International has evolved exponentially and matured into a successful Call Center / BPO Marketing Organization in USA. These gentlemen have over 25 years of experience working in Sales and Marketing for Fortune 100 companies.Technology: NexSource International believes in redundancy at every level of operation and has procured the best possible Communication Network with state-of-the-art technology and a Redundancy Level that is unparallel in the region. ... Office No, 509,Business Avenue,Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi.Karachi 75400PakistanAttn: Farhan Akbarph: 4311701fax: 4311708cell: 0321-2009396